Improving your health through research and innovation.

Chronic Disease Management and Remote Health Monitoring

We build chronic disease management solutions based on semi-automatic execution of clinical practice guidelines collecting patient status from Electronic Health Record systems and wireless medical sensor devices, and provide decision support to health care professionals, as well as to the patients to manage their chronic conditions. We enable patients, caregivers, and health care professionals to be alerted about critical situations about patient’s current status.

Clinical Decision Support Services for Personalized Care

We extract implementable technical specifications from evidence based clinical guidelines, and then implement those specifications as Clinical Decision Support (CDS) software services or delivering personalized care. Till now, we have developed several clinical decision support services for NICE Clinical guidelines, NICE Care pathways, ESC Guidelines, EASD Guidelines, GOLD Guidelines, and Turkish clinical guidelines for hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, stroke, palliative care, etc.

Artificial Intelligence on Health Data

We build AI-enabled digital solutions for different health use cases, such as predicting risk score for acute heart failure patients in emergency department, predicting major adverse cardiac events in patients with non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, predicting post surgery complications in pediatric cardiac patients, prediction of time to surgery for neuro-oncological patients needing a surgery, and prediction of 30-day readmission risk in patients with COPD.

Federated Learning

We enable health data owners to train machine learning models on distributed datasets without moving the data out of the owners’ premises through our Privacy-Preserving Federated Machine Learning platform. While the datasets never leave the data owners’ servers, the platform communicates with each dataset endpoint to build partial models and builds a boosted/merged machine learning model on the platform.

FAIRifying Real-World Health Data for Secondary Use

We develop technical and semantic interoperability solutions to FAIRify EHR data for secondary use purposes. Our Health Data Preparation Suite enables FAIRified health data to be accessed for both training and running AI models. This suite enables to access data in large batches (for model training) as well as dynamically accessing single records when the AI models are run for predictions.

Interoperability between Health IT Systems

We provide solutions for integrating disparate, heterogeneous health IT systems. We have an extensive expertise in implementing interoperability solutions based on international eHealth standards and IHE integration profiles. For clinical research institutes aiming to access Electronic Health Records (EHRs) for research purposes, we address semantic interoperability hurdles and enable meaningful analysis of electronic health records through a semantic metadata registry and a terminology mapping server.

Security and Privacy Solutions for eHealth Applications

We develop security and privacy solutions for eHealth applications including Authentication, Authorization, Anonymization and De-Identification methods, Audit mechanisms (IHE ATNA Profile) and Consent Management Tools.

Mobile Health Applications

We develop mobile health applications that facilitate close cooperation between healthcare professionals and patients. We offer mobile interfaces for patients to track their health status, view lab results, monitor past illnesses, and keep track of body parameters and activities. Our mobile health applications collect vital signs from wireless medical sensors and provide the co-management of chronic diseases by patients and caregivers.

Take a look at what we have achived in eHealth so far:

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Çankaya, Ankara, TÜRKİYE 06800