by Tuncer F., Yilmaz B., Erbas C., Kabak Y. and Dogac A.
Tuncer F., Yilmaz B., Erbas C., Kabak Y. and Dogac A. Semantic Interoperable C4I systems for maritime surveillance: The RECONSURVE Approach In NATO Information Systems Technology Panel Symposium (IST-101 / RSY-024) on SEMANTIC & DOMAIN BASED INTEROPERABILITY, November, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Semantic Interoperable C4I systems for maritime surveillance: The RECONSURVE Approach},
  Author                   = {Tuncer F. and Yilmaz B. and Erbas C. and Kabak Y. and Dogac A.},
  Booktitle                = {NATO Information Systems Technology Panel Symposium (IST-101 / RSY-024) on SEMANTIC & DOMAIN BASED INTEROPERABILITY},
  Year                     = {2011},

  Address                  = {Oslo, Sweden},
  Month                    = {November},

  Owner                    = {SRDC},
  Timestamp                = {2014.11.21},
  Url                      = {}