Semantic Interoperable C4I systems for maritime surveillance: The RECONSURVE Approach
by Tuncer F., Yilmaz B., Erbas C., Kabak Y. and Dogac A.
Tuncer F., Yilmaz B., Erbas C., Kabak Y. and Dogac A. Semantic Interoperable C4I systems for maritime surveillance: The RECONSURVE Approach In NATO Information Systems Technology Panel Symposium (IST-101 / RSY-024) on SEMANTIC & DOMAIN BASED INTEROPERABILITY, November, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{20114tuncerNATO, Title = {Semantic Interoperable C4I systems for maritime surveillance: The RECONSURVE Approach}, Author = {Tuncer F. and Yilmaz B. and Erbas C. and Kabak Y. and Dogac A.}, Booktitle = {NATO Information Systems Technology Panel Symposium (IST-101 / RSY-024) on SEMANTIC & DOMAIN BASED INTEROPERABILITY}, Year = {2011}, Address = {Oslo, Sweden}, Month = {November}, Owner = {SRDC}, Timestamp = {2014.11.21}, Url = {} }