by Dogac A., Laleci G. B., Aluc G., Sinaci A. A., Behrendt W., Delacretaz B. and Pittet J. M.
Dogac A., Laleci G. B., Aluc G., Sinaci A. A., Behrendt W., Delacretaz B. and Pittet J. M. A semantically Enriched Persistence Mechanism for Interactive Knowledge Stack In eChallenges Conference, October, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {A semantically Enriched Persistence Mechanism for Interactive Knowledge Stack},
  Author                   = {Dogac A. and Laleci G. B. and Aluc G. and Sinaci A. A. and Behrendt W. and Delacretaz B. and Pittet J. M.},
  Booktitle                = {eChallenges Conference},
  Year                     = {2009},

  Address                  = {Istanbul, Turkey},
  Month                    = {October},

  Comment                  = {},
  Owner                    = {SRDC},
  Timestamp                = {2014.11.14},
  Url                      = {}