Artemis Message Exchange Framework: Semantic Interoperability of Exchanged Messages in the Healthcare Domain
by Bicer V., Laleci G., Dogac A. and Kabak Y.
Bicer V., Laleci G., Dogac A. and Kabak Y. Artemis Message Exchange Framework: Semantic Interoperability of Exchanged Messages in the Healthcare Domain In ACM Sigmod Record, volume 34, September, 2005, pp. 71 – 76.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{bicerACM2005, Title = {Artemis Message Exchange Framework: Semantic Interoperability of Exchanged Messages in the Healthcare Domain}, Author = {Bicer V. and Laleci G. and Dogac A. and Kabak Y.}, Journal = {ACM Sigmod Record}, Year = {2005}, Month = {September}, Number = {3}, Pages = {71 - 76}, Volume = {34}, Owner = {SRDC}, Timestamp = {2014.11.18}, Url = {} }