An eHealth Case Study
by Della Valle E., Cerizza D., Celino I., Dogac A., Laleci G., Kabak Y., Okcan A., Gulderen O., Namli T. and Bicer V.
Della Valle E., Cerizza D., Celino I., Dogac A., Laleci G., Kabak Y., Okcan A., Gulderen O., Namli T. and Bicer V. An eHealth Case Study Chapter in Semantic Web Services (Rudi Studer, Stephan Grimm, Andreas Abecker, eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, April, 2007, pp. 385 – 402.
Bibtex Entry:
@InCollection{dellaSWS2007, Title = {An eHealth Case Study}, Author = {Della Valle E. and Cerizza D. and Celino I. and Dogac A. and Laleci G. and Kabak Y. and Okcan A. and Gulderen O. and Namli T. and Bicer V.}, Booktitle = {Semantic Web Services}, Publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, Year = {2007}, Editor = {Rudi Studer and Stephan Grimm and Andreas Abecker}, Month = {April}, Pages = {385 - 402}, Doi = {10.1007/3-540-70894-4_14}, Owner = {SRDC}, Timestamp = {2014.11.21}, Url = {} }