by Dogac A., Durusoy I., Arpinar S., Gokkoca E., Tatbul N. and Koksal P.
Dogac A., Durusoy I., Arpinar S., Gokkoca E., Tatbul N. and Koksal P.METU_EMar: Agent-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web In 7th Delos Workshop on IPR and Economic Issues for Digital Libraries, September, 1998.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {METU_EMar: Agent-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web},
  Author                   = {Dogac A. and Durusoy I. and Arpinar S. and Gokkoca E. and Tatbul N. and Koksal P.},
  Booktitle                = {7th Delos Workshop on IPR and Economic Issues for Digital Libraries},
  Year                     = {1998},

  Address                  = {Crete, Greece},
  Month                    = {September},

  Owner                    = {SRDC},
  Timestamp                = {2014.11.19}