Self-Management Pathways for diabetic patients: Early findings of the EMPOWER pilot studies
by Mulrenin, Robert, Strohmeier, Felix, Kabak, Yildiray, Pabst, Alexander, Demski, Hans and Lamprinos, Ilias
Mulrenin, Robert, Strohmeier, Felix, Kabak, Yildiray, Pabst, Alexander, Demski, Hans and Lamprinos, Ilias Self-Management Pathways for diabetic patients: Early findings of the EMPOWER pilot studies In eChallenges 2014 Conference, October, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{empowerbelfast, Title = {Self-Management Pathways for diabetic patients: Early findings of the EMPOWER pilot studies}, Author = {Mulrenin, Robert and Strohmeier, Felix and Kabak, Yildiray and Pabst, Alexander and Demski, Hans and Lamprinos, Ilias}, Booktitle = {eChallenges 2014 Conference}, Year = {2014}, Address = {Belfast, Ireland}, Month = {October}, Url = {} }