Design and Implementation of a Distributed Workflow Enactment Service
by Gokkoca E., Altinel M., Cingil I., Tatbul N., Koksal P. and Dogac A.
Gokkoca E., Altinel M., Cingil I., Tatbul N., Koksal P. and Dogac A. Design and Implementation of a Distributed Workflow Enactment Service In Intl. Conf on Cooperative Information Systems, June, 1997, pp. 89 – 98.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{gokkocaICCIS97, Title = {Design and Implementation of a Distributed Workflow Enactment Service}, Author = {Gokkoca E. and Altinel M. and Cingil I. and Tatbul N. and Koksal P. and Dogac A.}, Booktitle = {Intl. Conf on Cooperative Information Systems}, Year = {1997}, Address = {Charleston, USA}, Month = {June}, Pages = {89 - 98}, Owner = {SRDC}, Timestamp = {2014.11.19}, Url = {} }