IoT paving the way towards smart ports – the I2PANEMA project
by Achim Klukas, Maximiliane Lorenz, Dr. Julia Wernecke, Christophe Joubert and Yildiray Kabak
Achim Klukas, Maximiliane Lorenz, Dr. Julia Wernecke, Christophe Joubert and Yildiray KabakIoT paving the way towards smart ports – the I2PANEMA project In 27th ITS World Congress, October, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{i2p-its2021, Title = {IoT paving the way towards smart ports - the I2PANEMA project}, Author = {Achim Klukas and Maximiliane Lorenz and Dr. Julia Wernecke and Christophe Joubert and Yildiray Kabak}, Booktitle = {27th ITS World Congress}, Year = {2021}, Month = {October}, Address = {Hamburg, Germany}, Comment = {}, Note = {Accepted as a oral presentation} }