by Iakovidis I., Dogac A., Purcarea O., Comyn G. and Laleci G. B.
Iakovidis I., Dogac A., Purcarea O., Comyn G. and Laleci G. B. Interoperability of eHealth Systems – Selection of Recent EU’s Research Programme Developments In International Conference 2007, eHealth: Combining Health Telematics, Telemedicine, Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics to the Edge, December, 2007.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Interoperability of eHealth Systems - Selection of Recent EU's Research Programme Developments},
  Author                   = {Iakovidis I. and Dogac A. and Purcarea O. and Comyn G. and Laleci G. B.},
  Booktitle                = {International Conference 2007, eHealth: Combining Health Telematics, Telemedicine, Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics to the Edge},
  Year                     = {2007},

  Address                  = {Regensburg, Germany},
  Month                    = {December},
  Note                     = {presented by Octavian Purcarea},

  Comment                  = {},
  Owner                    = {SRDC},
  Timestamp                = {2014.11.14},
  Url                      = {}