A Multidatabase System Implementation on CORBA
by Dogac A., Dengi C., Kilic E., Ozhan G., Ozcan F., Nural S., Evrendilek C., Halici U., Arpinar B., Koksal P., Kesim N. and Mancuhan S.
Dogac A., Dengi C., Kilic E., Ozhan G., Ozcan F., Nural S., Evrendilek C., Halici U., Arpinar B., Koksal P., Kesim N. and Mancuhan S. A Multidatabase System Implementation on CORBA In 6th Intl. Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering (RIDE-NDS ’96), February, 1996, pp. 2 – 11.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{dogacRIDENDS96, Title = {A Multidatabase System Implementation on CORBA}, Author = {Dogac A. and Dengi C. and Kilic E. and Ozhan G. and Ozcan F. and Nural S. and Evrendilek C. and Halici U. and Arpinar B. and Koksal P. and Kesim N. and Mancuhan S.}, Booktitle = {6th Intl. Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering (RIDE-NDS '96)}, Year = {1996}, Address = {New Orleans, USA}, Month = {February}, Pages = {2 - 11}, Owner = {SRDC}, Timestamp = {2014.11.19}, Url = {https://www.srdc.com.tr/share/publications/1996/ride96.pdf} }